In an unusual mix-up or possible fraud, two women from Madhya Pradesh with the same first name and roll number have claimed they have won the 184th rank in the recently announced UPSC Civil Services examination.
Both Ayasha Fatima from Dewas district and Ayasha Makrani from Alirajpur district have claimed that they made it to the merit list of the Civil Services examination.
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Same name, same roll number
According to reports, both girls and their families celebrated their daughter’s achievement on Tuesday but only learned about another person staking a claim for it the next day.
What makes the mix-up even more complicated is that both the girls have the same roll number – 7811744, which is impossible.
Admit cards have discrepancies
As per reports, the UPSC personality test (interview) admit cards presented by both the girls show that the name of Ayasha Fatima’s father is Naziruddin while the name of Ayasha’s father has been given as Salimuddin Makrani.
On the claimed admit cards, the date of interview for both the girls is also the same, which is 25 April 2023, but on Ayasha Fatima’s admit card, the day is mentioned as Tuesday, whereas it is written Thursday on Ayasha’s interview admit card.
The actual day on 25 April was a Tuesday.
The admit card of Ayasha Fatima of Dewas mentions the exam as ‘Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022’. The admit card has the UPSC watermark and QR code on it.
The admit card of Ayasha Makrani of Alirajpur mentions the exam as ‘Indian Administrative Service Exam – 2022’.
There is no watermark or QR code on her admit card.
Ayasha Fatima’s admit card has a PAN Card number written on it, whereas there is no such mention on Ayasha Makrani’s admit card.
The time on Ayasha Fatima’s admit card is mentioned as ‘Afternoon at 1300 Hrs’ while it is stated as ‘Afternoon at 0100 Hrs’ on Ayasha Makrani’s admit card.
As of now, both families are claiming that their daughter has cleared the coveted exam and accusing the other of fraud.
UPSC Civil Services exam result
A total of 933 candidates — 613 men and 320 women — had qualified for the civil services examination 2022 as per the results announced on Tuesday.
The civil services examination is conducted annually in three stages — preliminary, main and interview — by the UPSC to select officers of Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Foreign Service (IFS) and Indian Police Service (IPS), among others.
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