A 37-year-old fisherman named Hatchai Niyomdecha, recently stumbled upon a precious Melo Pearl which is one of the most expensive variants of natural pearl.
According to a Daily Mail report, the pearl was attached to a discarded buoy ball that had washed ashore.
Mail Online
Hatchai found three beautiful shells sticking to it, so he called his brother Worachat Niyomdecha, 35, to have a look.
The two men picked the shells off the ball and took it home so they could use it to decorate their birdhouses.
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They gave the shells to their father, Bangmad Niyomdecha, 60, and asked him to clean them.
When they opened the third shell at home, they found an orange pearl worth Rs 2 crore.
Hatchai, who spotted the shells, claimed he had a strange dream a few days before finding the precious pearl.
The Mail Online quoted him saying, “An old man in white with a long moustache told me to come to the beach so I can receive a gift. I think he led me to find the pearl.”
“I want to sell the pearl for the highest price. The money won’t just change my life, it will change my destiny. My whole family will have better lives.”
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According to Mail Online, a buyer from China, is now negotiating with the family to take the pearl for 10 million Baht – its expected price – but he wanted to see for himself if it was a genuine Melo.
Mail Online
Melo pearls range from orange to tan to brown in colour – with orange being the most expensive shade.
They are usually found in South China Sea and Andaman Sea off the coast of Burma, and are produced by predatory sea snails called Volutidae.
In another incident, a Thai fisherman named Chalermchai Mahapan was fishing for a mullet at the Samila Beach in Songkhla on January 6, when he managed to find a 7-kilogram blob of waxy whale vomit, that could be worth a whopping £1,71,000 (Rs 1.7 crore).
The 20-year-old fisherman was about to finish his fishing day due to change in weather and had returned to dock his boat. That’s when he caught the precious lump of ambergris.