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New York
Sunday, September 8, 2024

India Has Managed To Yield Its Highest-Ever Wheat Crop, But Farmers Are Struggling To Sell It

Due to migrant workers heading home due to the nationwide lockdown which has forced them out of their rented homes and jobs, the agriculture industry is becoming collateral damage.

India has managed to yield the country’s largest-ever wheat harvest in Haryana state but due to lack of labour, farmers are not able to harvest and bag it for movement. According to a Reuters report, farmers have to beg and borrow farmhands from nearby villages to gather the wheat harvest. 


A farmer from Haryana named Sukrampal is facing a huge crisis, as the wholesale grain markets near his hometown of Gharaunda are operating with minimal staff. 

The 50-year-old farmer is at the risk of ruining his harvest, if his produce isn’t moved in the next few days. The next round of wet weather is around the corner and he is struggling to maintain the moisture content below 13 percent to 14 percent. 

The quality of the product will go down and traders will pay farmers way less which won’t be enough. If the produce gets too wet, then it becomes totally worthless. The present lockdown has hit more than 7,000 wholesale food markets in India which are the only way the 1.3 billion inhabitants of the country get their food supplies.


A commission agent at the Gharaunda Grains Market, Radhe Shyam told Reuters, “Nearly 90% of labourers aren’t around. Last season, there were about 5,000 labourers, and this season there are only 500. We haven’t seen anything like this before.”

India’s wheat farmers sell their grain exclusively by law at these wholesale markets to commission agents, who sell it to state buyers and private traders. Usually, armies of labourers are hired to unload, clean, weigh, pack and re-load millions of wheat sacks onto vehicles meant to ferry it to the government and private warehouses. 


However, this year no such labour armies exist and the food supply chain in the country – which is the world’s second-most populous nation – is suffering. 

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