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Remember The Woman Who Raised Funds For A Homeless Man Who Lent Her $20? It Was All A Scam!

Oh, the Internet vultures are going to love this. Last year, the oh-so-sweet story of a homeless man helping a stranded woman by giving her his last $20 to reach home safely went viral on social media.

Turns out, it was a scam. The people who donated to the campaign, setup by the woman to help the homeless man, are probably still reeling from the shock of having been sucked in to a meticulously planned evil scheme. 

Kate McClure, Johnny Bobbit Jnr

Kate McClure/ Facebook

A bitter scam that began with a seemingly genuine gesture

Back in October 2017, Kate McClure’s heartwarming, good-on-humanity story popped up on the Internet and went viral within seconds. It was almost 11 at night when McClure’s car broke down in the middle of Interstate 95, a major highway in Philadelphia. Close to her wit’s end, she headed to the nearest gas station where she reportedly met Johnny Bobbit, a homeless man. Bobbit told her to head back to her car, lock the doors and wait while he fetched the fuel. True to his words, Bobbit made it back minutes later with a red gas can.

(Also read: Woman Raises Rs 1 Crore For Homeless Man Who Gave His Last Rs 1000 To Help Her Out)

He was down to his last $20 (Rs 1400, approx.) when he bought fuel for McClure’s car.

With not even a few dollars to spare, McClure was relieved and promised to return the favour. Bobbit didn’t press the issue further, and didn’t even ask for any money. All this, from a homeless veteran who spent his days sitting on the side of the road with a sign. He had once worked in the Marine Corps and also as a paramedic and a firefighter.

What followed later was a repayment in the form of spare dollars, cereal bars, a jacket, warm socks, a hat and gloves. It wasn’t too long before New Jersey-based McClure and her boyfriend, Mark D’Amico, reportedly set up a GoFundMe page for Bobbit.

According to reports, the goal was to raise close to $10,000 (Rs 7,00,000 approx.) for Bobbit’s expenses for six months. When the first of the money started trickling in, they decided to surprise Bobbit.

His reaction was caught on camera by McClure. “God, that’s amazing. Damn, y’all did all that. That is awesome,” Bobbit says in the video.

In nine months, the number was up to $402,706 (Rs 2.8 crore, approx.).

(Also read: US Woman Raises $100,000 To Help A Homeless Man Who Once Lent Her $20 To Fill Gas In Her Car)

‘A perfect storm’

By August, 2018, things turned bitter after Bobbit’s lawyers alleged that a major chunk of the money never reached him as first intended. “From what I can see, the GoFundMe account raised $402,000 and GoFundMe charged a fee of approximately $30,000. Mark D’Amico and Kate McClure gave Johnny about $75,000. There should be close to another $300,000 available to Johnny,” Bobbitt’s lawyer Chris Fallon had told CNN.

Reportedly 14,000 had contributed on the GoFundMe page, and Bobbit’s attorneys Fallon and Jacqueline Promislo, at the time, wanted to ensure the money found its intended recipient.

GoFundMe meanwhile claimed that such misuse of funds was rare. The company released a statement saying, “When there is a dispute, we work with all parties involved to ensure funds go to the right place. We will work to ensure that Johnny receives the help he deserves and that the donors’ intentions are honored.”

The problem started when instead of buying Bobbit a house as promised, the New Jersey couple bought him a camper. Probably with nowhere else to park, Bobbit left the camper parked in the couple’s driveway and lived with them till June. But that wasn’t all. Bobbit alleged he didn’t even have money to buy food or other daily essentials. Meanwhile, the couple alleged that Bobbit had in fact picked and chosen the camper himself. Promislo later said that wasn’t true.

According to the The Philadelphia Inquirer, the couple has ‘spent or given him more than half of the money’ but are withholding ‘roughly $200,000’ till Bobbit ‘gets a job’ and is ‘drug-free.’

In the same report, Bobbit even wondered how she could afford a new BMW or even trips to Las Vegas, Florida and California. The whirlpool of allegations didn’t settle. Reportedly, a lack of bank statements and even transparency has done little to help Bobbit’s case. The same report even quotes D’Amico as saying, “Giving him all that money, it’s never going to happen. I’ll burn it in front of him.”

The truth finally unfolded

The Philadelphia Inquirer report talks about a series of leaked text messages where McClure messaged a friend saying, “Okay so wait the gas part is completely made up,” after her friend wondered why McClure didn’t contact her after her car ran out of gas. “I had to make something up to make people feel bad… So, shush about the made up part.” Her friend cautioned her that the story could backfire.

The campaign then:

GoFundMe page

Screen grab/GoFundMe

And the ‘campaign’ now:

GoFundMe page

Screen grab/GoFundMe

Even McClure’s mom suspected that something was amiss. But Bobbit had had enough and decided it was time to sue the couple. An investigation by prosecutors in to the matter revealed the truth.

On November 15, 2018, all three were arrested, held in custody and later released. According to the Burlington County Prosecutor’s Office, if found guilty of the charge of theft by deception and conspiracy, the three could face five to ten years in prison.

McClure’s attorney Jim Gerrow Jr. claims “Kate only had the best intentions” and had no hand in the whole matter, and that D’Amico and Bobbitt did.

McClure and Mark D’Amico have broken up. They have a court hearing on December 24. Bobbit is in a Correctional Facility in Philadelphia and will be extradited to New Jersey.

Johnny Bobbit Jnr, Kate McClure, Mark D

Burlington County Prosecutor

And now, GoFundMe plans to refund everyone’s money who donated it thinking they were contributing towards a good cause.

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