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New York
Monday, March 17, 2025

How Does Our President Look, Dear Minister?

A minister recently mocked the President of India, asking, “How does our President look?”

As a soldier and as a gentleman, this is my answer to him.

She looks respectable.

She looks motherly.

She looks regal.

She looks dignified.

She looks accomplished.

She looks self-made.

She looks humble.

She looks kind.

President Of India

She looks honourable.

She looks righteous.

She looks trustworthy.

She looks inspiring.

And she looks Presidential!

While you, sir, sound like none of the above. 

Please remember, your utterances speak more about you than about her.

You are not the first politician making such remarks, and I fear you may not be the last, yet she has not reacted; and I’m sure she never will. She is far above the likes of you.

In Aviation, when someone makes a mistake, we conduct ‘Corrective Training’ for them. 

Since, by a wonderful coincidence, you already are the Minister for Correctional Homes, do visit them more often, and perhaps stay there longer—like forever. 

President Of India

As you seem rather disturbed by others’ remarks about your looks, here’s a limerick often quoted by the US President Woodrow Wilson, about himself:

As a beauty I’m not a great star,

Others are handsomer far; 

But my face–I don’t mind it, 

Because I’m behind it; 

It’s the folks out in front that I jar!

Maybe that could be your mantra too, as it is mine.

The writer is a former fighter pilot of the IAF and is now a commercial airline pilot. He is the author of three books and many blog posts, available at www.avinashchikte.com

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