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Explained: Difference Between Custodial And Non-Custodial Crypto Wallets

You’ve performed thorough research on cryptocurrencies and finally decided to invest, but you aren’t sure how to store your cryptocurrencies? You might have heard of custodial wallets and non-custodial wallets but don’t know the difference between the two?

Here’s everything you need to know about what type of crypto wallet you need. 

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What are Custodial Wallets?

A custodial wallet is a cryptocurrency wallet where private keys to the wallet are held by a third party. The most common type of custodial wallet is an exchange wallet, where the exchanges have private keys on behalf of their users.

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The main advantage of custodial wallets is that they’re easy to use. You don’t need to worry about generating or backing up private keys, as the service will do this for you.

Another advantage is that custodial wallets are usually connected to an exchange, making it easy to buy and sell cryptocurrencies or utilize your holdings in another way.

The downside of custodial wallets is that you’re reliant on the security of the service, and you don’t have actual ownership of your funds. If the service is hacked or goes bankrupt, you could lose your funds.

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Another downside is that custodial wallets typically don’t offer the same level of security as non-custodial wallets. This is because they often sacrifice some security features to make them easy to use.

Custodial Wallet Pros

1. Easy to use

2. A third party handles your security for you.

3. Easier to buy and sell cryptocurrencies or invest in other exchange products

4. Easy to restore your account if you lose your password

Custodial Wallet Cons

1. You don’t hold the keys to your wallet.

2. The lower level of security

3. You most likely need to go through the KYC and AML verification

What are Non-Custodial Wallets?

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Non-custodial wallets are the complete opposite of custodial wallets. With a non-custodial wallet, you generate and hold your private keys. This means that you have complete control of your crypto assets and are responsible for their security.

The main advantage of non-custodial wallets is that they offer a higher level of security than custodial wallets. This is because you’re the only one with access to your private keys, so even if the service is hacked, your crypto assets are safe. You don’t have to rely on the security features of a third party because you have your security features set in play.

Another advantage of non-custodial wallets is that they offer more utility than custodial wallets when accessing decentralized finance. This is because you have complete control of your private keys and can use them to do more than just store and trade cryptocurrencies. For example, you can use them to utilize decentralized applications (dApps).

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The downside of non-custodial wallets is that they’re not as easy to use as custodial wallets. This is because you need to generate and back up your private keys, which can be complicated. If you happen to lose your private key or recovery phrase, you have no way to recover your funds.

Another downside is that non-custodial wallets typically don’t offer the same customer support as custodial wallets. This is because they’re not as common, so fewer people are familiar with them and how to use them.

Non-Custodial Wallet Pros

1. You hold the keys to your wallet.

2. Higher level of security

3. Access to DeFi

Non-Custodial Wallet Cons

1. Not as easy to use

2. You are responsible for your security.

3. The lower level of customer support

4. Impossible to recover funds once you’ve lost private keys or recovery phrases

Which Type of Wallet Should You Choose?

The type of wallet you choose should depend on your needs and wants.

If you’re just looking to buy and sell cryptocurrencies or invest in other exchange products, or if you don’t want to take on the responsibility of taking care of your wallet security, then a custodial wallet is a good choice. This is because they’re easy to use, and you don’t need to worry about the security of your funds. We recommend custodial wallets to crypto beginners, crypto traders, and those that aren’t planning on moving into DeFi any time soon.


Suppose you’re looking to access decentralized applications or utilize your funds in some other simply want to make your funds as secure as possible. In that case, a non-custodial wallet is a better choice. This is because they offer more utility than custodial wallets and a higher level of security. We recommend non-custodial wallets to users who want to take security into their own hands and dip their toes into decentralized finance.

Ultimately, deciding which type of wallet to choose is up to you. It’s essential to consider your needs carefully and wants before deciding. If you’re unsure which type of wallet is right for you, we recommend researching or even trying out both wallets to see which one you prefer.

About the author: Johnny Lyu is the CEO, KuCoin. All views/opinions expressed in the article are of the author. 

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