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Explained: What Is The Draft Telecommunications Bill 2022

The government has recently issued the draft Indian Telecommunication Bill, 2022. Information Technology Minister Aswini Vaishnav mentioned that the new bill is expected to be in place in 6 to 10 months.

Technology Minister Aswini Vaishnav

The Department of Technology has published the 40-page draft bill. The deadline for the draft bill is October 20, and individuals may share their suggestions and feedback before this date.

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What does the bill propose?

Telecommunications Bill
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Amongst various amendments and changes, the bill seeks to combine the three acts that govern the telecommunications sector: Indian Telegraph Act, 1885, the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933, and the Telegraph Wires (Unlawful Protection) Act, 1950.

In terms of users’ safety and security, the telecommunications bill aims to enable a legal framework to prevent the harassment of users from unauthenticated sources. The draft establishes that the prior consent of the user is necessary before offering any promotional services or advertisement. This way, as India is already one of the worst impacted countries through spam calls and text messages, many users can expect relief from regularly being bombarded with such unsolicited intimations. 

The bill provides for the right of appeal before the appellate authority. Besides, the central government is also enabled to set up an alternate dispute resolution mechanism which can range from mediation, arbitration, etc. 

Telecommunications Bill
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The draft bill also assigns unwavering power to the central government. First, it can waver, in part or whole, any fee for any licensing holder or a registered entity under the rule. Second, it seeks to dilute the watchdog function of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) to a recommendatory body. Third, if a telecom entity that possesses spectrum undergoes bankruptcy or insolvency, the assigned spectrum will return to the central government’s control. 

The new bill also proposes to replace the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) with the Telecommunication Development Fund (TDF). While the USOF Fund has been primarily used to aid rural connectivity, the TDF aims to boost connectivity in underserved urban regions, skill development, etc. 

The draft regulations and OTT platforms

Telecommunications Bill
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The draft bill proposes broadening the definition of telecommunications services with the inclusion of OTT communication services such as WhatsApp, Signal, Zoom, Skype, Google, and telegram, which provide (voice or video) calling and messaging services. Based on the draft law, these internet-based service providers will be subject to similar rules as other telecom operators. 

The Communications minister mentioned that since the distinction between voice and data calls has become seamless, all platforms that are used to make calls can be brought under the same regulation. However, according to experts, this move could result in Internet-based communications services taking licenses from the government and sharing revenues with them. 

OTT platforms
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The bill also proposes granting the government the ability to intercept messages in “the event of any public emergency or in the interest of public safety.” Additionally, it also provides the authorities immunity against any lawsuit. 

India is the world’s second-largest wireless market; therefore, concerns surrounding Internet freedom abound. The Digital Rights groups have raised questions and touted the draft bill as an attack on the fundamental right of citizens. According to them, this will expand the scope of surveillance to the telecommunication network. They also questioned the need for new rules in the first place as the Information Technology Act of 2000 already governs the sector.

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