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Acid Attack Survivor Reaches Out To Shah Rukh Khan After Being Denied A Bank Account

An acid attack survivor was denied the basic right of having a new bank account because she couldn’t blink after a KYC machine could not scan her biometric details. To raise awareness around this issue and get justice, Pragya Prasun reached out to Shah Rukh Khan and his NGO Meer Foundation. 

Meer Foundation focuses on the rehabilitation of acid attack survivors under the work for women empowerment and funds corrective surgeries. It is named after Shah Rukh Khan’s father Meer Taj Mohammed Khan.

shahrukh khan father
Shah Rukh Khan’s parents Mir Taj Mohammad Khan and Latif Fatima Begum

Prasun took to Twitter to share her concern. 

‘Being an acid attack survivor shouldn’t prohibit me from living a dignified life. It’s unjust that I was denied a bank a/c because I can’t blink for the KYC process. Requesting

to help me make this world inclusive for acid attack survivors #Iwontblink,’ she wrote on the microblogging website. 

Prasun also filed an online petition highlighting the struggles acid attack survivors are put through every day when they are denied access to necessary and basic rights of any citizen such as opening a bank account. She pointed out the plight of the people who are denied these rights due to facial deformities which these facial recognition machines fail to identify. She added that this should not be the deciding factor in a case like hers. 

She wrote, “I was denied the opportunity to open a new bank account in ICICI Bank due to a new requirement for a video or live photo of the account holder blinking their eyes. As a survivor of an acid attack, I am unable to blink, which has resulted in my inability to access this service. I understand that this new rule has been put in place to streamline the account opening process and make it easier for customers. However, for those of us who cannot blink our eyes, this rule is an insurmountable obstacle that prevents us from accessing basic financial services.”

She also requested the CEO of ICICI Bank to check this policy and make changes accordingly so that people like her can opt for alternative methods to open a bank account. 

pragya prasun
Twitter/Pragya Prasun

Shah Rukh Khan has not responded to her tweet yet. 

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