One of the central figures in the Harry Potter books and films is Professor Dumbledore. He mentors Harry while also serving as Hogwarts’ Headmaster for most of the series. As one of the most powerful Wizards in the entire book and one of the most well-liked characters, Dumbledore will undoubtedly go down in history.
If you are somebody who loves Dumbledore’s character then try to answer the following questions correctly. This is an ode to our beloved professor!
1 . What is Albus Dumbledore's middle name?
Brian defaultLarrydefaultRoydefaultKeithdefault
2 . Godric Gryffindor and Harry Potter grew up in the same town where Dumbledore was raised. What is its name?
Hawkinsdefault Godric’s HollowdefaultStars HollowdefaultJump Citydefault
3 . Which of the following languages can Dumbledore speak?
4 Finish this quote: “We must all face the choice between what is right, and what is ____.”
Difficult defaultWrongdefaultRightdefaultEasydefault
5 Following the passing of Harry Potter's parents, Dumbledore left him in whose care?
A foster homedefaultLily’s best friend and neighbordefaultHis grandparentsdefaultHis aunt and uncledefault
6 . Was Albus the younger brother of Aberforth Dumbledore?
7 Where did Dumbledore initially have the sorcerer’s stone?
Gringott’s Wizarding BankdefaultHagrid’s housedefaultIn professor Quirrell’s officedefaultUnder Fluffy The Dogdefault
8 . Which subject at Hogwarts did Dumbledore teach before becoming headmaster?
CharmsdefaultPotionsdefault TransfigurationdefaultHerbologydefault
9 . Who Killed Dumbledore?
SnapedefaultDraco MalfoydefaultBellatrix LestrangedefaultLucius Malfoydefault
10 . Dumbledore is another word for which insect?
AntdefaultWaspdefaultBumblebeedefaultButterflydefaultAnswer all the questions to see the answer here.Retake Quiz