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Balwinder Sandhu, Who Didn't Do Much Before & After 1983, But Bowled The Ball Of The WC Final

When one goes through the history books of Indian cricket, the name Balwinder Singh Sandhu is not likely to pop up much. In fact, the man only played for 2 years – 8 Tests and 22 ODIs. Nothing really to write home about.

But he does have one moment of glory. That came on June 25, 1983. Yes, we are talking about the World Cup final between India and West Indies. The underdogs took on the defending champions for the greatest prize in the game. For the cricket pundits, it was sheer fluke that got India, the worst ODI side in many ways at that time, into the final. Well, history was going to be made.

Balwinder Singh Sandhu was part of the 1983 side


The first half of the match had gone according to script. India were bundled out for 183 and West Indies could already see themselves winning a hat-trick of World Cups. Australia did achieve the feat – 1999, 2003 and 2007, but that is a tale for another day.

Let’s not digress. Gordon Greenidge and Desmond Haynes walked out to open the innings. Sandhu was given the new ball and he found the conditions ideal to do what he did best – swing the ball.

Then it happened! Sandhu bowled a ball that pitched outside the off stump and Greenidge committed himself to leaving it as he, and almost everyone else, assumed it would sail through to the keeper. But fate, the pitch and physics had other ideas. The ball swung in viciously and knocked the off bail. Greenidge had already judged the ball and there was no going back. He watched helplessly as the ball disturbed the furniture. Of course it was over in a flash. India had drawn first blood and Kapil Dev’s dressing room pep talk of making them earn every run was paying off. 

India eventually wrapped West Indies up for 140 to win by 43 runs and record cricket’s greatest upset for years to come. It was our first World Cup and we would not win another for 28 years. West Indies are yet to win another. But that ball set the tone for things to come. Before the final, Sandhu had not done much, he would not do much after it either. But on that day he bowled the best ball of the final and it is one many remember. Some may even call it a top contender for the ball of the century. 

A ball to remember. Everyone has their moments of fame and for Sandhu, well, this was his moment under the sun at Lord’s to top it all. Now that is an occasion to remember for life. 

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