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Between Working From Home And Working From The Office, How To Take Care Of Your Spine?

Our Spine is one of the main organs that is responsible for giving shape and structure to the body. It also carries important nerves and the spinal cord that control our body. In recent years, especially after COVID, there has been a shift in the work culture all over the world. There have been plenty of discussions on the impact of hybrid work culture and its impact on the overall health of individuals. 

Work-from-home culture also has a direct impact on the spine, as a larger number of people are now seen suffering from spine problems, including arthritis, slip disk, and spondylosis. Due to the work-from-home culture, there is a lack of physical activity that causes long-term problems with the spine. People also tend to adopt grossly wrong postures while doing long working hours from home. 

Sometimes, they use laptops, sitting in bed or on comfortable sofas, for long hours and adopt a slouching posture that is harmful to the spine. The sedentary lifestyle and wrong working postures lead to strain and twists in the spine. Therefore, it is crucial to pay special attention to spine health and avoid risking problems in the future.

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A little stretching between office hours and maintaining correct posture while working is most of what it takes to avoid back and shoulder pain. However, for the long-term health of the spine, there are a few things to always keep in mind. These include:

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A good night’s rest:

Sleeping is the best way to give the body rest and time to recuperate. However, if the sleeping posture is wrong, it can end up creating more trouble, hindering daily activities. Some recommended sleeping positions are to sleep on the side with legs slightly curled. To avoid pressure on the spine while lying straight, pillows can be placed underneath the knees. A firm mattress allows for maintaining the natural curve of the spine, which helps in avoiding any aches.

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Targeted stretching and an active lifestyle: 

Maintaining the same posture for a long time is difficult for the spine. Multiple stretching and walking breaks between work hours help to break excess spinal stress and muscle fatigue. It also relieves the body of any built-up stiffness and inflammation.

Strengthen the spine by training

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The spine has 33 vertebrae connected by cartilage. It is common to experience wear and tear, impact pain, and some levels of degradation. Just like other joints in the body, spinal joints need to be warmed up, stretched, and trained to be able to use them. Spinal training can be in the form of yoga or progressive weight training.

Eating non-inflammatory foods

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Food items such as blueberries, apples, and leafy greens are high in natural antioxidants. Eating such foods avoids many critical diseases and keeps the average energy levels high throughout the day. It is also essential to avoid substances with nicotine in them, as it lowers blood flow and constricts blood vessels, making it difficult for oxygen and nutrition to reach the spine.

Taking support from supplements: 

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Different spinal troubles can be reduced by taking supplements. Vitamin C for its anti-inflammatory properties, Vitamin D for better absorption of calcium, and Vitamin E to boost immunity. It is always recommended to seek a personal doctor’s advice before taking any supplements.

Working on a hybrid model of working from the office and home can be used as an opportunity for people to better manage their health. Doing strength training on at-home days and easy stretching routines on busy days is enough to maintain a healthy spine.

About the author: Dr. Arun Bhanot is a Consultant in Spine Services at Manipal Hospitals, Gurugram. All views/opinions expressed in the article are of the author.

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