The Delhi Police have arrested a man for allegedly brandishing an illegal pistol while cutting his birthday cake. The incident has been reported from South Delhi’s Neb Sarai. According to police, the man was taken into custody after his video went viral with a countrymade pistol & 2 live cartridges. A case has been filed under the Arms Act.
The 21-year-old man has been identified as Aniket alias Anish from Sangam Vihar. The video of Aniket cutting birthday cake was also uploaded on social media, police said on Saturday. In the video, the man is seen brandishing the pistol while firecrackers go off in the background and people sing ‘happy birthday’.
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Delhi Police post video on Twitter
The official Twitter handle of the Delhi Police shared the now-viral video along with a visual of the man placed under arrest. The account wrote, “Taking cognizance of a viral video on social media wherein a young man was cutting cake with a pistol, #DelhiPolice identified the accused and arrested him from Neb Sarai along with .315 bore countrymade pistol & 2 live rounds. Case registered u/s 25 Arms Act.”
Adding a funny touch, the video posted by cops on Twitter continued to show the arrest and a song could be heard playing as background music.
The accused was also previously involved in a case registered at Malviya Nagar Police Station.
He was seen roaming with a pistol in South Delhi
The matter came to light after a police informer told cops that a criminal was seen roaming in Sangam Vihar area with a pistol, police said.
Aniket was later arrested from Sangam Vihar, Neb Sarai.
According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (south) Chandan Chowdhary, a country-made pistol and two live cartridges were recovered from the possession of the accused.
Aniket reportedly told police that he recorded the video and uploaded it on social media to to gain attention and attract followers to establish himself among criminals.
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