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Explained: What The First-Ever Synchronised Census Reveals About The Status Of Vultures In India

In February 2023, a synchronised census was conducted by the Kerala Forest and Wildlife department, along with their counterparts in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, to count the number of vultures present in select regions of the Western Ghats. 

This was the first-ever synchronised census carried out for vultures. The results of the survey showed that there were 246 vultures spread across the three states. 

This survey can be used as a baseline to monitor the population of vultures and their habitat in the Western Ghats region and to take appropriate conservation measures to protect them.

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About Vulture

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Vultures are large carrion-eating birds found mainly in the tropics and subtropics. They are important for maintaining a clean environment by acting as nature’s garbage collectors. Additionally, they help control the spread of wildlife diseases. 

India is home to 9 species of vultures, most of which are endangered. Four of the species are protected under Schedule-1 of the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 and the remaining five are protected under Schedule IV.

The threats to vultures include the loss of natural habitats due to human activities, food scarcity, and contaminated food. Further, vultures are at risk of being electrocuted by power lines.

The decline of vultures since the 2000s

The survey’s key highlight is the catastrophic decline of vultures since the 2000s. Experts attribute the decline to the exposure of vultures to diclofenac drug, which is primarily used as a painkiller for cattle. 

The drug causes renal failure in vultures when they consume the carcass of an animal that has been recently treated with diclofenac. The decline of vultures is a matter of concern as these birds play a vital role in the ecosystem by scavenging and cleaning up the environment.

To help vultures thrive, one of the significant steps needed is to increase wild carcass availability. 

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How many vultures are spotted?

The survey was conducted in the Mudumalai Tiger Reserve (MTR) and the adjoining landscape, which includes Sathyamangalam Tiger Reserve (STR) in Tamil Nadu, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary (WWS) in Kerala, Bandipur Tiger Reserve (BTR) and Nagerhole Tiger Reserve (NTR) in Karnataka, aimed to assess the current status of vultures in the region. The survey revealed the presence of different species of vultures in the area.

According to the survey, a total of 98 vultures were seen in MTR, two in STR, 52 in WWS, 73 in BTR, and 23 in NTR. T

The volunteers who participated in the survey sighted different species of vultures, including White-rumped vultures, Long-billed vultures, Red-headed vultures, Egyptian vultures, Himalayan Griffon, and Cinereous vultures.

Steps taken to protect them

Conservation efforts for vultures in India include the recent launch of a Vulture Action Plan 2020-25 by the Ministry for Environment, Forests, and Climate Change. 

The plan aims to reduce the use of the veterinary drug Diclofenac, which is harmful to vultures and prevent the poisoning of cattle carcasses, which is the main food source for vultures.

To better understand the cause of vulture deaths in India, a Vulture Care Centre (VCC) was established in Pinjore, Haryana, in 2001. In 2004, the VCC was upgraded to become the first Vulture Conservation and Breeding Centre (VCBC) in India. 

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Currently, there are nine VCBCs in India, three of which are directly managed by the Bombay Natural History Society (BNHS).

These conservation and breeding centres aim to breed and reintroduce vultures into the wild, as well as provide a safe habitat for them. Additionally, captive vultures are treated for various ailments and injuries at these centres. 

The breeding of vultures in captivity is an essential step towards rebuilding the population of vultures, which have suffered a significant decline due to various threats. 

The conservation efforts being undertaken in India are crucial for the survival of vultures, and it is hoped that these efforts will help to restore the populations of these important scavengers.

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