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Explained: How Bad Are The Floods In Pakistan This Time

Floods have wreaked havoc in Pakistan. According to analysts, the calamity was likely sparked by extraordinary heatwaves in April and May. More moisture can be held by warmer air. So, earlier this year, meteorologists issued warnings that the country’s monsoon season, which runs from July to September, would likely bring “above normal” rainfall levels, according to Zia Hashmi, a water-resources engineer at the Global Change Impact Studies Centre in Islamabad, who was cited by nature.com.

Pakistan Flood

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Does rapid glacial melt put Pakistan at high flash flood risk?

There are around 7,200 glaciers in Pakistan. These glaciers, which are located in northern Pakistan’s Hindu Kush, Karakoram, and Himalaya mountains, expand in volume mostly during the winter months and subsequently decrease in mass during the snowmelt season in a rhythmic annual cycle.

Pakistan Flood

The summertime monsoon in Pakistan arrives a little bit earlier than the snowmelt season. Different meltwater flow maxima as well as subsequent rainfall that feeds into river systems are often separated.

The monsoon, which is mostly to blame for floods, has therefore intensified glacier melt as a result of climate change.

According to nature.com, the extreme heat also caused glaciers in northern hilly areas to melt, raising the amount of water that flows into tributaries that ultimately pour into the River Indus, according to Athar Hussain, a climate scientist at COMSATS University Islamabad. The Indus, Pakistan’s greatest river, flows from north to south over the whole nation, bringing water to towns, cities, and vast tracts of agricultural land.

Although it is unclear how much more glacial melt has reached rivers this year, Hashmi saw large flows and stagnant water in the Hunza River, which feeds into the Indus, when he traveled to several high-altitude glaciated places in July. According to the nature report, the mud indicates a quick melting since swift water takes up particles as it flows downstream. In order to release a possibly dangerous rush of water, several glacial lakes have cracked through the ice barriers that normally keep them in check.

Pakistan Flood

The heatwaves coincided with depression, or a system of exceptionally low air pressure, in the Arabian Sea, which brought torrential rain to Pakistan’s coastal regions as early as June. There are very few large-scale depressed systems, according to Hussain.

The early onset of the monsoon on June 30th, which was usually wetter over a greater territory for a very long period of time, further aggravated these uncommon aspects.

As a result, rainfall in Pakistan during the current monsoon season has exceeded that country’s average annual rainfall by approximately three times. Baluchistan and Sindh in the south have received over five times as much as the rest of the country.

Record-breaking monsoon rainfall

Although it may be tempting, questioning whether a severe weather event was “caused by” a climate crisis is often wrong, at least if one anticipates a binary response. Instead, researchers focus on whether and how much the frequency and severity of the occurrence were impacted by climate change. This is referred to as “extreme event attribution.”

In this instance, a severe monsoon season was to blame for the floods. Pakistan has a predominantly arid desert environment and is located on the westernmost fringe of the south Asian monsoon area. It seldom has a monsoon branch, and it typically gets far less rain than regions of India at similar latitudes.

Pakistan Flood

However, Pakistan had exceptional rainfall in numerous spurts from mid-June to late August, with vast tracts of the nation receiving 500% to 700% more rain than usual in August.

For a variety of factors, officials from the Pakistan Meteorological Department attributed the exceptional monsoon activity and flooding to climate change.

The IPCC noted in 2021 that there had been a considerable rise in extreme rainfall occurrences in south Asia during the previous few decades. There is some proof that this is a result of climate change brought on by humans.

What are the other contributing factors?

Aspects that caused this disaster can also provide information on the impact of climate change. There are many additional contributing factors too.

Extreme rainfall is first. A warmer environment can hold more moisture. The atmosphere can contain roughly 6%–7% more moisture for every degree it heats, which frequently leads to greater rain falling during the most intense storms (South Asia has warmed by about 0.7°C since 1900). Second, is the monsoon itself, which is quite complicated and unpredictable.

Pakistan Flood

According to a report, several weather forecasters have also projected that the current La Nia climate event, which is frequently linked to more intense monsoon conditions in Pakistan and India, will last through the end of the year.

Rainstorms may become more intense due to human-caused global warming. According to climate models, increased rainfall intensity will result from global warming. Temperatures in Pakistan increased by 0.3 °C every decade between 1986 and 2015, faster than the average for the world.

Are rich nations primarily to blame for Pakistan’s extreme weather conditions?

Although the cause of the floods is still being investigated by scientists, it is evident that Pakistan is at risk from global warming. It goes beyond floods alone. Heat, a drought, and other warning signs of rising temperatures are present. Pakistan is in fact the seventh most susceptible nation to extreme weather, according to a global climate risk assessment created by a German NGO.

Pakistan Flood

According to Vox Media, a third of Pakistan’s glaciers may still melt even if global warming is kept to 1.5 degrees Celsius, which is the more aggressive target set forth in the Paris climate agreement. They might be getting closer to a tipping point as they get smaller. When they are that small, everything abruptly flips from having too much water and flooding to having a drought.

To that end, Pakistan has urged rich countries to follow through on a commitment they made more than ten years ago to give lower-income countries 100 billion dollars annually to help them adapt to climate change. The deputy permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, Ambassador Aamir Khan, stated at a briefing in July that “developing countries, while not liable for the majority of emissions today, all too often bear the brunt of climate change repercussions.” 

“It is important to acknowledge the unique issues that poor nations face due to climate change.”

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