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Indian Army Comes To The Help Of Collapsed Elephant, Needs Urgent Medical Attention

A team of Indian Army engineers has joined hands with NGO Wildlife SOS to provide critical care for a collapsed elephant that was found in need of urgent medical attention.

The elephant, Moti, said to be around 35 years old was found to be critical and was unable to stand. 

Indian Army Comes To The Help Of Collapsed Elephant, In Need Of Urgent Medical Attention
Wildlife SOS

Years of abuse almost killed the elephant 

Wildlife SOS, which runs India’s first elephant hospital in UP’s Mathura has been trying to transport the animal to their facility, but its poor health is making the process difficult.

“The elephant was found in a critical condition and had collapsed and was unable to stand. Malnourished and deprived of veterinary attention, his feet, especially the footpads, had worn off and he was on the verge of death,” the NGO said.

Indian Army Comes To The Help Of Collapsed Elephant, In Need Of Urgent Medical Attention
Wildlife SOS

Very low chance for survival

According to Wildlife SOS, the elephant is currently in an undisclosed location where veterinary doctors are fighting a seemingly losing battle as the front leg is fractured and the back legs also are weak. 

“Moti’s prognosis is critical and we are doing everything possible to save him,” Dr. Rahul Rajput, Wildlife SOS veterinary Doctor, said.

The foot pad, of the former begging elephant, is said to have been separated from the foot base and there is severe avulsion on the right foot’s 3rd and 4th toenails.

Indian Army Comes To The Help Of Collapsed Elephant, In Need Of Urgent Medical Attention
Wildlife SOS

Unable to get up due to hypostatic pressure with the kidney and heart functions starting to deteriorate, the NGO said a miracle is needed to help him from his collapsed position. 

Army joins mission to lift the elephant

The much-needed help came on Monday in the form of the Indian Army joining the mission to help the struggling elephant.

Indian Army Comes To The Help Of Collapsed Elephant, In Need Of Urgent Medical Attention
Wildlife SOS

A team of Indian army engineers from Bengal Sappers on Monday reached the spot and erected a kraal structure to lift the elephant.

“This is such a patriotic effort to help India’s heritage animal and an endangered species. We are also grateful to the Forest Department and the custodian of Moti elephant for their cooperation and support,” Kartick Satyanarayan, co-founder and CEO of Wildlife SOS said while thanking the Indian Army for their help.

Indian Army Comes To The Help Of Collapsed Elephant, In Need Of Urgent Medical Attention
Wildlife SOS

Moti back on feet after 17 days

On Monday, the structure was erected and an attempt was made to make the elephant stand. However, ‘Moti’ was not able to take any load on his feet and not moving his body at all.

Indian Army Comes To The Help Of Collapsed Elephant, In Need Of Urgent Medical Attention
Wildlife SOS

On Wednesday morning, Wildlife SOS said that for the first time after 17 days, Moti has managed to stand up, and expressed hope that now the jumbo can be transported on an Elephant Ambulance to the hospital in Mathura for emergency care.

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