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This Monkey Specie With Scant Population In India Is Dealing With Infanticide & Forced Abortion

Did you know that evils like infanticide and forced abortion is not just limited to humans?

Primatologists have observed that the Endangered primate Gee’s golden langurs, inhabiting a small region of Western Assam and Bhutan, are known to induce the killing of babies inside the womb of females, besides practising infanticide.

Golden langur - Young and adult/ neprimateconservancy.org
Golden langur – Young and adult/ neprimateconservancy.org

Forced abortion and infanticide happen when a new male ‘takes over’ a female. He often kills the baby of a lactating female or hits the abdomen of a female impregnated by the deposed male till the point of abortion. 

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Infanticide & abortion in Primates 

Infanticide was first observed in langurs nearly 50 years ago, and this rare phenomenon has been inferred to have either an evolutionarily adaptive function or to be a pathological and non-functional behaviour. 

Adult female with infant langur/ researchgate.net
Adult female with infant langur/ researchgate.net

The social pathology hypothesis interprets infanticide as a result of crowded living conditions and, thus, as not providing any advantage. 

However, the more prevalent theory is that of the sexual selection theory that is believed to explain such behaviour – data from a study suggested that males kill unrelated and unweaned infants during the takeover period to decrease the time until the infants’ mothers resume fertility. This permits the killer to increase his reproductive success by impregnating the female sooner with his child. 

Studies have shown that the female langurs preferred living in smaller groups as the risk of infanticide strongly increases with group size. 

Overall, there is a larger presence of more adult males, sub-adult males and sub-adult females amongst langurs, and infanticide is a primary reason behind the same. 

Gee’s Golden Langur 

The golden langur is confined to a small geographic region surrounded by the Manas and Sankosh Rivers to the east and west, the Brahmaputra River in the south, and the Black Mountains to the north. 

Here, altitudes vary greatly, and the golden langurs live anywhere between sea level and 3000m above sea level, but they thrive high up in the canopies of subtropical and temperate broadleaf forests. Golden langurs are easily identified by their golden fur. 

The Gee’s golden Langur is classified as Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2015), appearing on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and is a Schedule I protected species in the Wildlife Protection Act (1972). 

The New England Primate Conservancy lists the current population of this species as around 6,000 to 6,500 individuals, and the rate of decline is as higher than 60% in India. 

Amongst other reasons for their low population, such as habitat fragmentation and commercial logging, a major reason which is also not very well researched as of yet is thus the issue of abortion and infanticide by the male primates. 

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