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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Wheels Up Landing: What, How, and Why

A recent headline says:

 Hindustan Times
Hindustan Times

I will explain the what, how, and why of such a situation, keeping it—as always—brief and simple.

Airplanes have wheels for take-off, landing and for its movement on the ground. 

In the early days, when the planes were slow, the wheels were fixed down, but as the aircraft flew faster, the wheels created unnecessary wind resistance (called Drag) that reduced speed and increased fuel consumption. 

Hence, the designers made the wheels retractable, to fold them up into the aircraft belly to reduce drag.

After take-off, the pilots raise the wheels, and before landing, they lower the wheels.

But sometimes, the mechanical linkages of the wheels, or the hydraulic systems that move them up and down, malfunction, and the wheels refuse to move.

If, after take-off, the wheels do not go up; it is a minor problem. Yes, we may not go to the destination, but we can always return to the airport of departure and land.

But if, before landing, the wheels refuse to come down, the pilots will have to do a ‘wheels up’ or ‘belly landing.’ 

That can be dangerous because when airplane metal contacts the runway surface, there will be friction, which will cause sparks and heat, and with the fuel in the tanks, there could be fire.

We have a saying in Aviation: The only time you have too much fuel is when your aircraft is on fire.

There are two main landing gears and a nose gear. 

Landing Gears

If the primary system fails, we try to lower the wheels using alternative means, because even if one comes down, we reduce the amount of surface area contacting the runway and creating friction plus fire.

If all the wheels remain up, it is an enormous problem. 

When any of the two main landing gears stay up, it becomes even worse, because the aircraft might turn viciously, go off the runway, and might even cartwheel out of control.

If only the nose wheel remains up, it is still a problem, but slightly smaller than with the main wheels up. 

So, when attempting a partial or complete wheels up landing, we take these precautions to minimise injuries: 

1. We reduce fuel to the minimum. That reduces the flammable stuff on board, and also reduces the aircraft landing weight, which means it would stop faster, causing less friction and heating.

2. The cabin crew will ask all the passengers to assume the Brace position against the impact on landing.

3. The pilots will aim to make a soft touchdown, and delay contact between the metal surfaces and the runway till as low a speed as possible.

4. Where available, the ATC will spray foam on the runway to reduce sparks and the fire hazard.

5. When the airplane comes to a stop, the pilot will announce, “Evacuate, Evacuate, Evacuate,” to get all the passengers out and away from the airplane quickly, using emergency escape slides.

Emergency Escape Slides

Modern airplanes are reliable, and have multiple redundancies, so you may never encounter a wheels-up landing in your life, as I haven’t in over four decades of flying. 

But I have heard of many, like this one, which happened a fortnight ago.


Landing Professionally

These videos show the perfect handling of a challenging situation under tremendous pressure. 

The pilots executed the landing professionally and beautifully. 

Hats off to them.

I also know of a brave Flight Engineer of the IAF, who, long ago, hung upside down below a Packet C-119 aircraft flying on a dark winter night, braved chilly winds, and got its nose wheel unstuck to avert an accident. 

His name is Group Captain SC Gaur. He is now a Ground Instructor in my airline, and I am honoured to be his student. 

If and when anything unusual happens on board, just remember one golden rule: ‘Obey the instructions of the Captain and the Cabin Crew.’ 

They will keep you safe.

Long stints in military—and marriage—have taught me obedience, so I guess I am safe. How about you?

The writer is a former fighter pilot of the IAF and is now a commercial airline pilot. He is the author of three novels and many blog posts, available at www.avinashchikte.com

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