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Friday, July 5, 2024

Why Women Should Opt For Egg Freezing To Secure Their Future Of Fertility

Neha (aged 37) finds herself entangled in the heart-wrenching battle against endometriosis, a formidable obstacle on her path to motherhood. Despite exhausting every medical possibility, her dreams of conceiving a baby remain distant, slipping through her fingers like sand. Neha never knew that she could have the infinite possibilities of having a child is she had got her eggs frozen.  

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In a world where people meticulously map out careers and personal lives in their vision boards, the delicate threads of family planning are often overlooked at times. Assumptions prevail that family and parenthood will naturally fall into place as life proceeds, but it rarely adheres to our carefully constructed plans. Whether one plans their future or allows it to unfold organically, there lies a profound key to securing parenthood—egg freezing. It grants a lifeline to those who seek to extend the boundaries of their biological clock. 

Let’s understand a few reasons why women may opt for egg freezing:

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Freedom of choice to preserve future of fertility

Imagine the exhilaration of taking charge of your reproductive destiny, of wielding the power to shape your life exactly as you envision it. Women are more than independent to take charge of everything in their life. They have been perfecting the human lives by since always. With egg freezing as an option, women now have the freedom to plan their motherhood as per their timelines. It empowers women to make intentional decisions about when and with whom they want to start a family. It’s a game-changer that allows them to build a solid foundation, chase their wildest dreams, and savor the adventure of life before diving headfirst into the world of diapers and lullabies.

Building a career

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By preserving their fertility through egg freezing women can prioritize their professional development and personal growth before starting a family. This option allows them to plan their lives on their terms, ensuring they are emotionally and financially ready to take on the joys and challenges of raising a child.

Not right time to start family

Sometimes, finding the right partner isn’t the sole determining factor. There are instances when people are not prepared to have a child due to various factors such as financial constraints, emotional readiness, or concerns about the suitability of their current location for raising a child. In such cases, married women may opt to freeze their eggs, allowing them the flexibility to start a family later. By making this proactive decision to freeze healthy eggs in advance, women can alleviate worries about their biological clock and approach family planning with greater peace of mind.

Preserve fertility before cancer treatment/ radiation therapy

Women facing cancer or the need for radiation therapy, often worry about their future fertility. Egg freezing provides hope and relief by allowing them to preserve their eggs before undergoing treatment. It is a proactive step to safeguard their fertility. It also gives them the chance to have biological children in the future, even after cancer treatment or radiation therapy.

The right life partner

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The landscape of finding the right life partner has transformed. In the past, women rushed into marriage to avoid missing their fertile years. But today, they make informed decisions and refuse to settle for less. With egg freezing, women can plan their lives without sacrificing their fertility. It saves them from rushing over the wrong and waiting for the perfect partner, shaping their own destinies, and making marriage decisions on their own terms. It’s a remarkable opportunity to prioritize love and build a future that aligns with their dreams.

Women choose to freeze their eggs for a multitude of reasons, each as unique as the individuals themselves. Celebrities like Priyanka Chopra, Riddhima Pandit, and Upasana Kamineni have joined the conversation, openly sharing their experiences with egg freezing. 

This freedom of choice offers women and married couples the possibility of becoming parents in the future, should circumstances change along their life’s journey. Egg freezing is a practical option that provides hope and flexibility, allowing individuals to plan for the family they desire, on their own terms.

About the author Dr Nisha Bhatnagar is the Medical Director, Infinite. All views/opinions expressed in the article are of the author. 

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