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Sunday, September 8, 2024

By Trying To Give An AI Rights To Its 'Invention', Scientists Are Equating AI With Humans

Though AI is being pushed into applications in pretty much every field now, we’re still not prepared with the laws we’ll need to govern the technology.

And that is perfectly demonstrated by this latest legal battle, that looks to give an AI rights akin to a human.

AI patent


Stephen Thaler is the inventor of an artificial intelligence algorithm called Dabus AI. Among other things, he’s used it to design interlocking food containers that are easier for robots to grasp and a warning light that flashes in a rhythm similar to brain activity. 

The thing is, Thaler wants to patent the inventions, but he doesn’t consider himself the creator. He wants the patent to go to the AI.

He attempted to file for patents in the UK, US, and Europe, but the patent offices pushed back because legal rights traditionally go to humans. So now he’s fighting the authorities in the respective courts, in order to secure the rights for his AI.

Experts say that currently there’s no legal claim for a person to claim a patent for something designed by an AI. And yet, there’s also no legal provision to give an algorithm a patent. They believe that, as we inexorably move towards applying AI to solve problems in everything from climate change, to manufacturing, to research, this intellectual property system will then break down.

AI patent


The problem here of course is that, no matter how sophisticated an AI, it’s still not “creative, or even sentient. They’re technically tools, though advanced digital ones. So of course, if patent offices are to start awarding patents to AI, that’s not a decision they can take lightly. 

After all, the requirement for a human inventor behind a patent is designed to keep them in the hands of inventors and not corporations, says the BBC. But that precedent wasn’t set with artificial intelligence in mind when it was written decades ago, so we have no idea how to move forward just yet. 

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