Porn is no longer people’s favourite pastime on the internet – at least ever since Pokémon Go has hit the virtual market. It’s breaking the internet much like Kim Kardashian’s naked butt often does.
Rarely do things beat porn on the internet, in terms of interest, and it has maintained top spot – for as long as both have been around, that is. As pointed out by The Independent, Brexit – Britain’s exit from The EU – managed “to break through the barrier and beat pornography”.
Most of the searches for the augmented reality game seem to come from countries that already have the game including the United States, Australia and New Zealand. Interest has also come from The Netherlands and Canada, who do not yet have access.
Moreover, three days after the game was released it attracted more users than Twitter, and climbed to the very top of the App Store revenue charts. It has also beat Candy Crush and is now threatening the position of Snapchat on Android. In fact, Pokémon Go has become the biggest mobile game in the history of the U.S.