Everyone remembers Sophia, the sophisticated humanoid robot? Well, meet Shalu, an IIT teacher’s attempt at making an Indian version of a humanoid robot that can do a lot more than Sophia ever could.
Shalu robot and its creator Dinesh Patel // FPS
Brainchild of IIT Bombay’s Kendriya Vidyalaya computer science teacher, Dinesh Patel, the Shalu humanoid robot prototype holds many distinctions.
While it does look like a cheap imitation of the Sophia robot, looks can be deceiving and the story behind the effort is one of several years of hardwork and Indian ingenuity.
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Shalu humanoid robot prototype
According to its creator, Shalu humanoid robot is the only such Indian robot to be made 100% from waste material, utilizing discarded plastic, cardboard, wood and aluminium parts, as per Dinesh Patel.
RoboShalu // YouTube
He also mentioned the Shalu made-in-India human robot took Rs 50,000 of expense in terms of waste and electronic material. Dinesh Patel also revealed in a blog post that the Shalu robot took three years to build into its current form.
According to Dinesh Patel, the Shalu robot idea came into his mind after getting inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s “Digital India Mission”.
Shalu robot capabilities
Robot Shalu possesses a broad range of skills which includes recognizing people’s faces and remembering them, as well as identifying common objects thanks to computer vision.
Just like the Sophia robot, Dinesh Patel’s Shalu robot can have a casual conversation in as many as nine Indian languages on top of English, of course — Hindi, Bhojpuri, Marathi, Bangla, Gujrati, Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, and Nepali conversations are possible with Shalu robot thanks to Artificial Intelligence.
According to Dinesh Patel, the computer science teacher who built the humanoid robot, Shalu can be used as a Robot-Teacher in a classroom environment. This is because Shalu is capable of conducting quizzes, replying to questions on educational/GK topics, solving maths questions and equations, among other things.
If you visit Shalu’s YouTube channel, linked above, you can see her speak and she sounds somewhere between Amazon Echo’s Alexa and Google Assistant’s female voice. Not bad for a single school teacher to be able to achieve, don’t you think?