It’s estimated there are around 400,000 species of flora around the world. So if you’ve ever wondered whether your neighbour is growing weed in their backyard or some other fancy plant, we’ve got just the app for you (you nosy little sneak).
PlantNet is a nifty little app that works like Shazam for the plant world. All you have to do is enter your location, and then point your smartphone camera at the plant in question and snap a picture. The app attempts to use image recognition to to then match the photo with its archive of plants, and give you possible results.
The app has been developed by four French research organisations (Cirad, INRA, Inria and IRD), and the Tela Botanica network as a way to involve the general public in the project and spread awareness and a scientific bent when it comes to plant life.
It’s important to note here that PlantNet does not work too well with ornamental plants. Moreover, you’re more likely to get an accurate result if you select which organ it is you’re photographing (stem, leaf, etc) and focus just that in the frame, though the results can still be finnicky. However, users that do successfully identify plant life using the app can share their results with the project using the “contribution” button within the app.
If you want to try it out, PlantNet is absolutely free, and available on both Android and iOS.