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Sex Ed Taken Too Far? 11 To 14-YO Students In UK Asked To Define Types Of Porn, As Assignment

A UK teacher had to apologise after he told students to do a health class assignment to define types of pornography. The assignment led the students to participate in inappropriate web searches, as reported by the BBC.

The students are aged 11 to 14 and go to Archibishop Sentamu Academy in Hull, reported the Hull Daily Mail.

However, Principall Chay Bell claimed that the assignment did not require the students to do research on the web as all the answers were available on the teacher-pupil material that was sent to them.

Matters Magazine

The students were reportedly asked to define ‘soft porn’, ‘hardcore porn’ and ‘revenge porn’. They were also asked to explain female genital mutilation and breast ironing along with ‘transgender porn’ and transvestite. 

An older brother of one of the students, Leon Dagon said, “The majority of children nowadays will now go on the internet to help them with their homework and if you type that kind of thing on the internet, God knows what’s going to pop up.”

The school stressed that the assignment was part of the students’ Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) learning. 

NY Post

Aside from this, there were also questions on alcohol, drugs and smoking. 

Mr Dagon added, “My little sister knows make-up and TikTok at the age of 13. She doesn’t know about hardcore porn, and then asking her to define it.”

Principal Bell said, “I am genuinely sorry if parents or students have unnecessarily researched any of these phrases and for any offence caused by this mistake. Students were not directed to research these topics themselves on the internet because all the answers to the questions posed are contained in the teacher-produced materials we shared.”

Even though the work was apparently in-line with government guidance, Bell added, “I have asked that no future PSHE materials contain any potentially sensitive content and will ensure all materials are fully age-appropriate.”

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The Department for Education said it was a matter for the school and did not comment on it any further.

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