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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Woman Shocked To Learn Her 5-YO Daughter Placed Orders Worth Rs 2.47 Lakh On Amazon

While technology can have some benefits for children, such as facilitating learning and improving communication, excessive exposure can lead to several negative effects. 

For instance, prolonged screen time can cause eye strain, headaches and disrupted sleep patterns leading to physical health problems. It can also result in sedentary behaviour leading to obesity and other related health conditions. 

Also, not to miss, it can result in overspending as kids may accidentally or intentionally make unauthorised purchases leading to financial losses for parents. This is exactly what happened with a mother in the U.S.

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Daughter spends $3,000 on Amazon 

Jessica Nunes

A mother in Massachusetts, U.S., believed that giving her five-year-old daughter her mobile would help to calm her down in the car as they were travelling home. 

Jessica Nunes, however, misjudged her child’s capacity for online shopping for her favourite products on Amazon.

Last month, Lila used her mother’s account to make $3,000 worth of Amazon purchases. She had ten pairs of cowgirl boots and ten pairs of toys in her cart.

According to Nunes, who spoke to NBC 10 News, “I go on my Amazon order history and find that I, or somebody, had ordered 10 motorcycles, a Jeep, and 10 pairs of cowgirl boots women’s size seven.” 

Daughter in us
Jessica Nunes

“The total for the bikes and the Jeep was about $3,180. The boots cost about $600 on their own.”

According to her mother, the young girl used the Amazon app and the “Buy Now” button to choose her boots and toys.

The mother was able to revoke the order for some items 

Toys on amazon
Jessica Nunes

Fortunately, the woman was able to revoke orders for both the cowgirl boots and half of the motorcycles. The two-seater Jeep for kids and the remaining five motorcycles were probably already delivered to the kid. 

So why did Lila order ten motorcycles on Amazon rather than just one? She explained to NBC 10 News, “Because I wanted one.” 

Nunes is not chastising her daughter for making a sizable unauthorised online purchase. She said, “I did say that maybe if she acts right, she behaves and she does chores around the house we can get her a bike that’s more geared towards her age range. “Perhaps a little slower.”

What do you think about this? Tell us in the comments.

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