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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

All-Women ‘eXXpedition Round The World’ In October To Survey Plastic Pollution In Oceans

Scheduled to begin in October 2019, an all-women team will sail the world’s oceans in order to explore understand the extent of damage caused by plastic and toxic materials to water bodies.  



This voyage, being regarded as a scientific mission conducted by an organisation called ‘eXXpedition’, will cover over 38,000 nautical miles and 30 voyage legs, and will start and end in the United Kingdom.

It will be headed by Emily Penn, eXXpedition Director and Sky Ocean Rescue Ambassador. Penn has since led numerous scientific sailing expeditions around the world that have conducted research on things like ocean acidification and toxics in the water. The journey will take around two years to complete. 


Emily Penn Instagram

“The plastic pollution challenge our ocean faces is a global one and it will take an inspired army of passionate, skilled and experienced people to tackle it,” says Penn to TIME.

Under her leadership, this voyage will comprise  of 300 women spanning across industries and experiences, including scientists, teachers, filmmakers, product designers, photographers  of different ages, skills b and cultural backgrounds. eXXpedition aims to contribute to cutting-edge scientific research and solutions based thinking. 

Dealing with plastic has become a world-wide problem. We are consuming plastic at an alarming rate. Take a look around. Everything around you will be made of plastic. The problem has become particularly severe because plastic takes a minimum of 450 years to break down once it reaches the sea. Plastic, even if it’s ground down into tiny pieces, doesn’t dissolve. The oceans are slowly being choked with it: there’s an estimated 8 trillion kilograms of plastic that lands up there every year.

By 2050, it’s estimated that there will be more plastic in the sea than fish. 

We really hope this voyage comes back with answers about what can be done to reduce plastic waste in oceans. But before that, please start with small efforts like getting rid of single use plastic and switching to bamboo products. We all need to come together to save our planet from sinking in plastic. 

This plastic then makes its way to our dinner tables, and eventually ends up inside us. To put it bluntly, humans could be ingesting as much as 5 grams of plastic each week.

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