Due to the coronavirus spread, most of the governments around the world have stringent travel curbs to the country as the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic with more than 170,248 confirmed cases and 6,526 deaths across 158 countries. Most of the countries stepped up restrictions on the movement of their citizens to reduce the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
After lockdown across the countries and spread of novel coronavirus shoppers around the world stood in long lines, waiting to buy essentials like toilet paper, pasta, bottled water, medicine, hand sanitizer and masks as a worsening coronavirus crisis stoked fears of shortages.
In India, most of the shops and online groceries stock up due to high demand of facemasks and hand sanitizers after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the Covid-19 outbreak a pandemic.
Shelves previously filled with toilet paper are seen empty at a Ralphs grocery store as shoppers gather supplies with coronavirus fears spreading in Encinitas, California, US.
BelgiumA view of supermarket shelves starting to empty out as the country is hit by an outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Brussels, Belgium.NetherlandsA shopper looks through a near-empty shelf at a supermarket in Amsterdam as people hoard food because of the coronavirus outbreak.El Salvador
Customers shop inside a wholesale store as El Salvador puts in measures due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) concerns.
California, US
A Trader Joe’s grocery store has an empty frozen produce section in Los Angeles, California, US, amid reports of the coronavirus.
Due to the high demand of hand sanitizers, a fake hand sanitizer manufacturing unit busted near Gurugram, India.
A sign informing customers about a restriction on the number of allowed packets of toilet roll is seen on a shelf inside a Morrisons supermarket in Liverpool, Britain.
PhilippinesShoppers wearing protective face masks queue to buy groceries at a supermarket amid new cases of coronavirus in the country, in Manila, Philippines.Germany
A supermarket shelf with canned lentil and pea stew is seen partly empty and not yet refilled on Monday, following panic buying over the weekend due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), in Bad Honnef near Bonn, Germany.