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Nighttime Delight! Astronomical Events To Look Forward To In The First Quarter Of 2021

The ‘Christmas star’ on December 21 last year excited a lot of people around the world. It was a Jupiter and Saturn conjunction like never before in at least 400 years. This beautiful conjunction is proof of how intriguing and adventurous the night sky can be. 2021, too, promises some magnificent sights. 

Here are a few events in the first quarter of this year that stargazers and amateurs should look forward to and save their dates for. 

January 23-24

Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation

At present, Mercury is reaching the outer edge of its orbit as seen from Earth, positioning it optimally high in the western evening sky. What’s more, in the starry sky, it shines more brilliantly than other stars.

mercury in sky
Representational Image/Starwalk Medium

 The planet Mercury, 18.6 degrees from the sun, has the greatest eastern elongation on January 23-24. This is the best time to look at Mercury, because it will be in the evening sky at its highest point above the horizon. Just after sunset, search for the planet below in the western sky.

January 28 

Full Moon This will be the wolf moon, located on the opposite side of the Earth as the Sun, its face will be fully illuminated. Early Native American tribes knew this full moon as the Wolf Moon because this was the time of year when hungry wolf packs howled outside their camps. The Old Moon and the Moon After Yule have also been referred to as this moon.

February 11

Venus-Jupiter conjunction

A close meeting between two of the brightest planets in our skies: Venus and Jupiter, would reward early risers. Both planets will appear to the naked eye as brilliant dots, and the pair will appear to be so similar in the sky that they will be visible from a backyard telescope at the same time. Saturn will be floating to the pair’s upper right as an additional bonus.

planets together in sky
Representational Image

Be ready to discover a good viewing spot with an unobstructed view of the southeast horizon, as this celestial pairing will take place near the rising sun, and it will all be about timing to spot it. The trick is to allow the planets to rise high enough in the morning sky to observe them just before your vision is drowned by the light of dawn.It will be around 20 to 30 minutes before sunrise, the perfect time to see them. People would have the greatest chance to see the phenomenon in the Southern Hemisphere because the planets will be located further away from the sun and thus higher in the atmosphere. 

February 19

Moon and mars conjunction  

The Moon and Mars, coming within 3 ° 28 ‘of each other, will make a close approach. The Moon’s going to be 8 days old. The pair will become visible from Delhi at about 18:27 (IST) as the dusk sky fades, 75 ° above your south-west horizon. Then they will sink toward the horizon, set at 00:33.

Moon and mars
Representational Image/Starwalk.space

The Moon will be at mag -11.7; and Mars will be at mag 0.8. Both objects will lie in the constellation Aries. They will be separated too widely to fit into a telescope’s field of view, but will be visible to the naked eye or through a pair of binoculars. The pair would both share the same proper ascension, called a conjunction, at about the same time. 

March 5

 Jupiter and Mercury meet

At dawn, Jupiter and Mercury are barely above the east-southeast horizon, but they are engaged in a very close conjunction this morning, separated by just 0.35 degrees. Mercury (magnitude +0.1) will hover just above the much brighter Jupiter (magnitude -2.0) on the upper left; the largest planet in the solar system handily outshines the smallest by a factor of 7.

planets in sky
Representational Image/ESO/Y. Beletsky

In doing a sighting of these two planets against the bright twilight background about half an hour before sunrise, binoculars will prove to be most useful.

March 9 and 10

Quadruple formation

This is going to be a sight to behold. When four worlds cluster in the southeast morning sky, an incredible celestial huddle will welcome sky-watchers across the globe. In near-perfect alignment, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn will all appear, while the nearby crescent moon will frame the trio of planets. Each planet will appear as a dazzling dot, with the faintest being Mercury and the brightest being Jupiter, both readily visible to the naked eye.

great conjugation
Representational Image

Stargazers will be able to spot Jupiter’s four largest moons through binoculars, while a small telescope will reveal Saturn’s rings. Just half of the innermost planet’s disc will appear illuminated to us because of the Earth’s location relative to Mercury and the sun. As a result, Mercury will look through the telescope like a miniature version of the quarter moon.

So mark your calendars and save the dates!

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