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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Bengaluru Consultant Who Hasn't Received Salary For 3 Months Turns To Internet For Help

A woman working as a consultant in a Bengaluru clinic has been refused her income for three months. Here’s what we know.

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Why did the Bengaluru consultant not receive any salary in 3 months?

Her partner, who goes by an unknown moniker on Reddit, posted about the event on the microblogging site. He described how, for the first two months, HR had promised her that she would receive her compensation the next month. 

However, HR informed her this month that because the clinic was losing money, she would not be paid even her basic income. Furthermore, HR advised her that if she wanted her money, she needed to ensure that the patients walking in “choose some type of treatment or operation.”

bengaluru consultant

It gets worse since the man revealed that his girlfriend has been working there for 1.5 years. “She claims she can’t leave the clinic before the six-month period is up because she won’t get her experience certificate and will be treated as a new employee elsewhere.” 

What kind of solutions did Redditors give?

“Other people earn at least 25% of their wage, but she doesn’t get paid because she’s in a bond and has no choice but to stay,” he further explained.

The man went on to say how stressful the situation is for her and how tough it is for her to live here and handle her costs without her salary. With this, he solicited feedback from the public.

Many folks shared their experiences with the same thing. People advised her to simply sue the firm. The piece has received numerous reactions since it was published. “This, I hate that this is normal,” one Reddit member commented. “We are SUPPOSED to submit a legal complaint, which could result in the closure of the company/clinic or a variety of other options. But it takes too long for a conclusion, and it costs so much money that we don’t have to spend simply TRYING for justice that it’s not even worth it. And whatever justice exists in other countries, it is swept aside by power with the words ‘that’s not possible, can’t do that.’ Sigh.”

Here’s what some others had to say:

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