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Monday, July 29, 2024

After Having Tea With The Taliban, British Tourist Now Wants To Visit The North Sentinel Island

What is the thing that is always prioritized while travelling? Safety, right? Well, not for this lad!

A British man who travels to some of the riskiest places has now set his eyes on the world’s most dangerous island. Miles Routledge, who uses the screen name Lord Miles Routledge Adventures on social media, is planning to travel to North Sentinel Island, which is inhabited by an ‘uncontacted tribe’. 

The Times

Labelled as a ‘danger tourist’, Miles has travelled to Afghanistan amid the Taliban takeover, Ukraine during the Russian invasion, and Kazakhstan during riots. 

The North Sentinel Island is located in the Bay of Bengal, an Indian archipelago, with its inhabitants defending their island through forceful means from the outside world.   

British explorers found themselves wrecked on a reef near the island in 1867, with the 106 passengers onboard having to save themselves from attacks by the native people before being rescued by the Royal Navy. 

Back in 2006, two fishermen were killed by the Sentinelese, and American Christian missionary John Allen Chau was killed in 2018. 

The Sentinelese remain one of the last ‘uncontacted’ groups in the world and now Miles wants to document the group without putting his safety at risk.

History of Yesterday

His mission involves getting two small boats to visit the island – with one crew setting off fireworks to distract the tribespeople, while the other crew, who would be donning decontaminated suits, sets up Starlink, cameras, and a hidden solar panel. 

According to Miles, this would allow for a Twitch stream to be set up and monitor the mostly undocumented tribe. He added that this will help science and in making some money. 

He tweeted: “Or like, go with a drone disguised as a big bird, film content, boom exclusive footage of non contacted tribe that’s near priceless.” 

Miles is known for his risky trips. While on his trip to Afghanistan, he claimed to have had tea with the Taliban. 

While in Afghanistan he claimed to have had tea with the Taliban.

He tweeted late last month a selfie with the supposed members of the Taliban: “TEA WITH THE TALIBAN! I’m in Afghanistan, walked into Taliban residency by accident and after talking they gave me food, tea and even offered for me to stay the night. They are so kind!” 

He later claimed that he wasn’t being completely serious.

He tweeted: “I mentioned this before but I’ve had a lot of new followers then, it’s always good to get further perspective on s**tposts that may turn into something real one day.” 

However, with his adventures, you never know when he might be serious about visiting the untouched island. 

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