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Saturday, July 6, 2024

That Went South! Father Had A Dark Message For His Son On His 33rd Birthday

As you grow older, your birthdays tend to get a little more depressing. 

But even though the concept of growing yet another year older can be daunting for some people, fortunately, most of us have people around us who will always keep us grounded and remind us that we’re only as young as we feel.

But a man named Mac Thompson turned thirty-three years old and what he received from his father was weird for even a person who went to the other side of the thirties. 

lighting the candles

He had the support of his father to remind him that while 33 isn’t necessarily a ‘special’ birthday, it marks a slightly lesser-known milestone.

Mac Thompson was left baffled when he received the hilariously dark handwritten message from his dad, Dennis Thompson, on the inside of his birthday card, alongside the air fryer he received as a gift.
Instead of his usual ‘From Dad’ message, the 65-year-old teacher reminisced about becoming a father at the same age.

But that was not it. In addition to the little information about his life, Mac father’s also attached a pretty morbid line which read: “Jesus was 33 when he was crucified. Enjoy your day! Love Dad.” After he shared the message on social media, it went viral. 

He even shared the picture of the front of the card which too was really funny. 

 After this, people had a lot of trivia to share and many hilariously wished Mac on his 33rd birthday. 

Mac from Boynton Beach, Florida, USA, who received the card last Friday, said: “My first through was ‘What the f*** LOL’ Like I didn’t really expect him to include that part about Jesus considering we’re not particularly religious.

“I think he was just reminding me of the fact 33 was a big milestone for him personally. He grew up going to Catholic school so maybe that random piece of information stuck with him.”

However, one thing that reciprocated most with people who commented was that everyone’s father has the exact same handwriting. 

Well, let’s hope our fathers would have a similar sense of humour when we turn a little older. 

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