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Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Facepalm! MP Minister Goes To Help Those In Flood Affected Area, Gets Stuck, Has To Be Airlifted

In another instance of things that happen in India, a minister who had gone to help people stranded in a flood-affected area got stuck himself and had to get rescued. 

He is Madhya Pradesh’s Home Minister Narottam Mishra who set out by boat on Wednesday when he heard that nine people were trapped in the floods in Kotra village in his assembly constituency of Datia. The floodwater had reached the second floor of the homes there and the people were stranded on the terrace.

So, he made sure to reach the area along with some relief workers on a State Disaster Response Force boat. But before any arrangements could be made to save those nine people a tree broke and fell on Narottam’s boat and it wouldn’t start after that. 

This is when Mishra sent messages to the government officials and an Indian Air Force helicopter arrived to rescue him and the nine others stranded at the spot. The AIF personnel lowered a rope from the helicopter and the Madhya Pradesh minister was safely airlifted

The minister, however, made sure that all the stranded people were rescued and after that, he was pulled up by the IAF personnel. 

After the incident, the MP minister also shared a ‘well-edited video’ of the operation on his Twitter handle by evening which also had his comments on the flood situation. Moreover, the video showed him helping out people in different flood-ridden areas in the state. 

 People lauded his actions and praised his efforts. 

Mishra, one of the BJP leaders from the Gwalior-Chambal region had been a powerful minister in the Shivraj cabinet and in the last few years earned the confidence of the party high command. 

However, after him trying to rescue people, the opposition party members dissed him for his lack of training. The opposition Congress’ state media cell vice-president Bhupendra Gupta said, “It’s the NDRF and SDRF which conduct rescue operations on the ground, while the ministers should only supervise the operations. What was the need for the minister to go there and attempt becoming Spiderman? Such acts are inappropriate for a minister’s safety and also amount to the misutilization of resources. Such acts will give birth to dangerous tradition,” Gupta said.

What do you think? 

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