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Saturday, July 6, 2024

Not Europe Or Kashmir, These Stunning Images Are From Munsiyari Tulip Garden In Uttarakhand

When you think of tulips, the first place that comes to mind is Europe. Netherlands, in particular, is famous for its tulips that are exported around the world. In India, Kashmir has its own tulip garden where the flowers blossom each spring. Now, though, another Himalayan town is giving, not just Kashmir, but Europe competition with its collection of tulips. Here are some pictures from Munsiyari tulip garden in Uttarakhand.

Trivendra Singh Rawat, the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, recently shared breathtaking images of tul… Read More

Trivendra Singh Rawat, the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, recently shared breathtaking images of tulip gardens in the village of Munsiyari.

Read LessIn India, colourful tulips have blossomed in Kashmir every year. Now, one of the biggest tulip garde… Read More

In India, colourful tulips have blossomed in Kashmir every year. Now, one of the biggest tulip gardens in the world are in the beautiful Himalayan town of Munsiyari.

Read LessThis tulip garden has come alive in the forest land in Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand. The garden is spread over 50 hectares.

Tulips bloom across an area over 50 hectares facing the majestic Panchachuli peaks, the five famous snow-capped Himalayan peaks, in Uttarakhand.

Who needs Europe and Switzerland when Uttarakhand looks like this?

Tulip flowers are seen in full bloom at

one of the biggest tulip gardens in the world in


The snow-capped mountains of Panchachuli are giving a vibrant look to this tulip garden.

Patches of colourful tulips showing just how beautiful and wonderous nature can be.

Tulips in bloom against the backdrop of the snow-capped mountains of Panchachuli.

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