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Saturday, July 6, 2024

People Are Turning Recyclable And Biodegradable Materials Into Unusual Masks To Beat COVID-19

Ever since the breakout of COVID-19 pandemic, wearing face masks and washing hands were identified as a means of prevention from it. While washing hands is easily achieved, the same can’t be said for access to face masks purely because people have been hoarding them. Even medical stores have run out of them. But since necessity is the mother of invention, people quickly found ways to replace them with homemade versions. Here are a few of them.

A man wears a makeshift face mask made from a plastic bottle.

A woman wears a plastic water bottle with a cutout to cover her face as a preventative measure following the coronavirus outbreak.

Coronavirus has reportedly claimed over 50,000 lives worldwide leaving more than one million infected people and fighting the virus.

A street vendor wears a plastic bag as a preventive measure against coronavirus.

The pandemic has brought with itself equal amounts of anxiety and changing routines across the world.

A passenger wears a face mask and plastic food bags on her face.

A pet owner has wrapped his dog in plastic to prevent it from coming into contact with surfaces outside.

A man wears a plastic bag as a face mask as he sells religious images.

A man and his child wear unique face masks while out on the street.

A man wearing an alternative mask in Kampala. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni ordered an immediate 14-day nationwide lockdown in a bid to halt the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus which has so far infected 33 people in the country.

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