There are clear and present dangers of disinformation spreading in the online space. It disrupts trust and questions the authenticity of the information that is being given out on various media platforms. How can the public, regulators, and social media companies better collaborate to tackle disinformation as information pollution spreads at unprecedented speed and scale? Panelists at the World Economic Forum include Vera Yoravon, the European Commission’s Vice President for Values and Transparency, Congressman Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, Jeannie Burgow, President and CEO of Internews, and A.G. Salzberger, chairman and publisher of the New York Times.
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Disinformation Is Connected To Everything
A. G Salzberger says, “Disinformation maps basically to every other major challenge that we are grappling with as a society, and particularly the most existential among them. So disinformation and the broader set of misinformation, conspiracy, propaganda, clickbait, you know, the broader mix of bad information that’s corrupting the information ecosystem. What it attacks is trust. And once you see trust decline, what you then see is society start to fracture. And so you see people fracture along tribal lines, and, you know, that immediately undermines pluralism.”
The undermining of pluralism is the most dangerous for a democracy. In some of society’s most repressive and dangerous moments, terms like fake news and enemies of the people have become popularised cyclically.
Society has accepted how much the information ecosystem has been poisoned. It is going to require real, sustained effort from the platforms, from political leaders, from business leaders, and from the consumers themselves to reject that.
Navigating Through Disinformation
Jeannie Burgow says, “I think sort of the traditional view of misinformation, we often think of sort of the information warfare and we’re looking at the Ukraine crisis where it’s been devastating and even looking at the arc of time at the first, the beginning of the Ukraine crisis in 2014, the Russian disinformation was trying to sow confusion in Ukraine. And now we see the Russian disinformation machine really sowing a single line inside of Russia for the discontinuation of the war. But it seemed very much like a great almost like a great power struggle that was happening.”
Data & Society
Having healthy information environments is critical to solving the world’s problems and the community’s problems and a country’s problems. The big change that is happening is the insidiousness of the multiple levels and layers in which misinformation is being used. We have always had pollution in the information environment. But people are also getting used to navigating it a little bit better. People are able to find the information they need, they know what sources they trust and they are starting to navigate it interestingly, sort of differently.
Role Of Government In Handling Disinformation
Vera Yoravon says, “We have introduced a special regulation for political advertising, stricter rules for selling politicians from selling the shoes or furniture. I am a European legislator and we are working on legislation together with 27 member states with very different history and different instincts in the society. We have countries which simply have different history and different traditions. And to legislate on how digital space should look like, it’s pretty daring exercise. Because we must come with the rules which will not be abused.”
The Economist
Removing online content is not a solution. There are three things that could be done. To make sure that the disinformers do not find the feeding ground. The society that is willing to get brainwashed. So the feeding ground is society, which means people must become more resilient. It should be done through education and the work of professional media. Another thing is better strategic communication from the representatives of democratic governments. They should be more intensive in delivering trustworthy facts and information to the people.
The third thing is regulation. The Digital Services Act says the content that is illegal offline has to be treated as illegal online, which includes terrorism, extra-political violent extremism, hate speech, child pornography, etc. That is why a difficult, complicated system was created: the code of practise against disinformation, where nobody is the arbiter of the truth.