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New York
Tuesday, July 30, 2024

NYPD Kicks Out Mother With Child From Restaurant Over Vaccination Card In Distressing Viral Video

As the world is trying to move from the ongoing pandemic, getting vaccinated against the disease has become a priority for everyone. And for those who refuse to get vaccinated, the world is slowly turning into a hostile place because according to medical experts, unvaccinated people will place themselves as well as others at risk of catching the coronavirus. 

To prevent coming in contact with unvaccinated people, establishments such as eateries etc, have started serving only to those who have taken the jabs. However, the method of removal for unvaccinated people is still up for debate as an incident from New York has come to light that shows NYPD cops trying to kick a mother and her child out of a Queen’s Applebee’s.


The incident was recorded on video by onlookers who are clearly heard shaming the cops for treating the woman and her child in a distasteful manner. The officers from the NYPD’s Strategic Response Group can be seen surrounding the table during a protest at the Queens Centre Mall on Dec 15.

“Unless you have vaccination cards, you have to exit the restaurant,” an officer could be heard saying in the video.

The child is evidently in discomfort and covers his face as the officers try to defuse the situation.

Other customers call out the force for their actions.

“Scaring a child. Traumatizing a child. Hope you feel good about yourself NYPD,” one protester yells.

An officer then addresses the entire group of protesters.

“If you leave voluntarily you will not have charges pressed against you. Otherwise, you will be arrested for trespass. This will be your only warning,” he says in the video.

According to the Sunnyside Post, a group of protestors sat in the Applebee’s at around 9 pm, and refused to leave after they were denied service for not providing vaccination cards.

The NYPD told Newsweek that they were responding to a call from the restaurant about the situation.

“Upon arrival, officers were informed by the manager that individuals entered, refused to prove vaccination status in compliance with NYS Mandate and requested for the individuals to be removed from the location,” the NYPD said.

Four people were taken into custody and charged with criminal trespass.

The mother and child were not charged.


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