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Happy International Yoga Day 2023: Top 60+ Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones

International Yoga Day is observed annually on June 21. The idea behind the day is to create awareness about yoga and its many benefits. The idea of an International Yoga Day was proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014 in the United Nations General Assembly Meeting.

50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik

The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted The International Day of Yoga in 2014, after Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi pressed the forum to introduce a special day for Yoga during his speech delivered on September 27, 2014.

The theme for International Yoga Day in 2023 is “Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, which represents our shared desire for “One Earth, One Family, One Future.”

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Best International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters 

As we are celebrating International Yoga Day today, we have curated a list of Yoga Day posters, wishes, messages, quotes, images, greetings and World Yoga Day Whatsapp Status you can share with your loved ones.

Top 60+ Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
Top 60+ Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Unsplash

International Yaga Day Wishes 2023

1. Wishing you a peaceful and blissful International Yoga Day! May your yoga practice bring you health, happiness, and inner harmony.

2. On this International Yoga Day, let’s unite in our dedication to physical and mental well-being. Keep calm and do yoga!

3. Wishing you a day filled with mindful breaths, graceful asanas, and inner peace. Happy International Yoga Day!

4. Take a deep breath, find your center, and let yoga lead you to a healthier and happier life. Happy International Yoga Day!

5. Celebrate the beauty of yoga on this International Yoga Day. May your practice bring you strength, flexibility, and serenity.

6. Sending you positive energy and good vibes on International Yoga Day. Embrace the power of yoga and let it uplift your spirit.

7. May the light of yoga guide you on a path of self-discovery and transformation. Happy International Yoga Day!

8. May the practice of yoga bring balance and serenity to your mind, body, and soul. Happy International Yoga Day!

9. Celebrate the unity of body, mind, and spirit on this International Yoga Day. Embrace the transformative power of yoga!

10. May the benefits of yoga permeate your life with peace, love, and happiness. Happy International Yoga Day!

50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik

International Yoga Day 2023 Quotes | Yoga Day wishes Quotes

Here are some yoga day motivational quotes:

1. “Yoga is the stillness amid motion.” – Swami Vivekananda

2. “Yoga is the fountain of youth. It’s exercise, meditation, and philosophy rolled into one.” – Deepak Chopra

3. “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” ― The Bhagavad Gita

4.  “True meditation is about being fully present with everything that is including discomfort and challenges. It is not an escape from life.” ― Craig Hamilton

5. “Yoga begins with listening. When we listen, we are giving space to what is.” — Richard Freeman

6. “The nature of yoga is to shine the light of awareness into the darkest corners of the body.” – Jason Crandell

7. “Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony.” – Debasish Mridha

8. “Yoga is a light that once lit will never dim. The better your practice, the brighter your flame.” – B.K.S. Iyengar

9. “Yoga is the perfect opportunity to be curious about who you are.” – Jason Crandell

10. “Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind.” – Patanjali

Yoga Day 2023 Wishes, Messages

1. Wishing you a day filled with yoga poses, positive energy, and a calm mind. Happy International Yoga Day!

2. Let the joy of yoga flow through you on this International Yoga Day. May you find strength, flexibility, and peace within.

3. May your yoga practice bring you clarity, strength, and a sense of inner peace. Happy International Yoga Day!

4. Celebrate the essence of yoga and embrace the journey of self-discovery. Wishing you a blissful International Yoga Day!

5. May the light within you shine brighter with each yoga practice. Happy International Yoga Day!

6. Embrace the stillness within and find your inner sanctuary through yoga. Wishing you a peaceful International Yoga Day!

7. On this International Yoga Day, let’s come together to honor our bodies, nurture our minds, and connect with our souls.

8. May your yoga practice be a source of joy, healing, and empowerment. Happy International Yoga Day!

9. Sending you love and positive energy on this International Yoga Day. May your yoga journey be filled with growth and transformation.

10. Celebrate the power of yoga to heal, inspire, and uplift. Happy International Yoga Day!

50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik

Yoga Day 2023 Slogans, Short Quotes 

1. Yoga is the journey of the self, to the self, through the self.

2. Yoga is not about touching your toes. It’s about what you learn on the way down.

3. Yoga is the fountain of youth. It’s never too late to start your yoga journey.

4. Yoga is the science of well-being. It’s a way to connect your body, mind, and spirit.

5. Yoga is a journey, not a destination. It’s about the process, not the end result.

6. Yoga is for everyone. No matter your age, shape, or size, you can benefit from yoga.

7. Yoga can help you reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

8. Yoga can help you improve your sleep quality.

9. Yoga can help you boost your immune system.

10. Yoga can help you lose weight and improve your overall fitness.

Happy Yoga Day Thoughts in English

1. There is nothing more precious than your health and immunity, you can achieve both by doing Yoga every day. Happy Yoga Day. 

2. Wishing you a very Happy Yoga Day, may Yoga help you answer all the problems you face in life and bring you happiness. Happy Yoga Day!

3. Yoga imparts you a lasting sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment. Happy International Yoga Day.

4. Wishing you a day filled with mindfulness, presence, and gratitude as you embrace the practice of yoga. Happy International Yoga Day!

5. May your yoga practice be a sanctuary of peace in a chaotic world. Happy International Yoga Day!

6. Celebrate the unity of body, mind, and spirit through the practice of yoga. Wishing you a harmonious International Yoga Day!

7. May your yoga mat be a place of solace and self-discovery. Happy International Yoga Day!

8. On this International Yoga Day, let’s cultivate mindfulness and compassion, not only on the mat but in all aspects of life.

9. Embrace the transformative power of yoga and let it guide you towards physical and mental well-being. Happy International Yoga Day!

10. Wishing you strength, balance, and inner peace as you journey through the path of yoga. Happy International Yoga Day!

50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik

Yoga Day Quotes for Students

1. Yoga has the potential to treat many health issues and also the power to help you build your immunity. Happy Yoga Day to all the students.

2. On this International Yoga Day, let’s celebrate the power of yoga to transform our lives. Wishing you health and happiness! Happy International Yoga Day!

3. May this International Yoga Day bring you the joy of physical and mental wellness. Happy Yoga Day!

4. Sending you positive vibes and good energy on this International Yoga Day. Namaste!

5. May your practice help you connect with your inner self and find your true purpose. Let’s celebrate International Yoga Day by spreading love and compassion through our yoga practice. Namaste!

6. Yoga, an ancient but perfect science, deals with the evolution of humanity. Happy Yoga Day!

7. Yoga is the dance of every cell with the music of every breath that creates inner serenity and harmony. Happy International Yoga Day!

8. You cannot always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside! Happy Yoga Day!

9. Yoga is all about creating balance in your life. It is about balancing your senses, balancing your body, soul and mind in order to live healthy and live in peace. Happy Yoga Day!

10. Join hands with yoga to disconnect from stress, diseases and dull life Happy International Yoga Day!

International Yoga Day Wishes in English 2023

1. While the outside world is sometimes beyond your control, the inside world is always under your control! Happy International Yoga Day.

2. Sun salutations can energize and warm you even on the darkest, coldest winter day. Let this Yoga Day revitalize your life all year long! Happy International Yoga Day!

3. When you breathe in, you acquire strength from God. When you exhale, it represents the service you provide to the world. Happy International Yoga Day, everyone!

4. oga is a beautiful, healthy way to live life-longer and happier. I wish you wellness on International Yoga Day with the promise that we will both take up yoga soon. Happy International Yoga Day to you!!

5. Yoga can help you enjoy good health and wellness, so I hope that today you’ll make a promise to yourself: no matter where life takes you or what obstacles come your way in the future…make time for yoga! Happy International Yoga Day!!

6. Yoga will help you to grow from the inside out. Happy Yoga Day 2023 to all.

7. Yoga is Like Music. The Rhythm of the Body, The Melody of the Mind, and Harmony of the Soul Create the Symphony of Life. Happy International Yoga Day!

8. Become friends with happiness and health with yoga and meditation. A very Happy International Yoga Day.

9. Yoga is all about creating balance in your life. It is about balancing your senses, balancing your body, soul, and mind in order to live healthily and live in peace. Wishing you a peaceful and healthy life on International Yoga Day!

10. Yoga implies, Addition of Energy and subtraction of wasting energy, Strengthen the Beauty of Body, Mind, and Soul with Yoga.

50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik

Happy Yoga Day Wishes 2023 in Hindi | Yoga Diwas 2023

1. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस पर, हमें याद दिलाया जाता है कि हमारा मानसिक और शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य किसी भी चीज़ से अधिक महत्वपूर्ण है… यह आवश्यक है कि दिन में कुछ समय योग से खुद को पोषित करने के लिए निकाला जाए. Happy International Yoga Day 2023!

2. योग आपको अच्छे स्वास्थ्य और तंदुरूस्ती का आनंद लेने में मदद कर सकता है, इसलिए मुझे उम्मीद है कि आज आप खुद से एक वादा करेंगे… चाहे जीवन आपको कहीं भी ले जाए या भविष्य में आपके रास्ते में कोई भी बाधा आए…योग के लिए समय निकालेंगे! अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस की शुभकामनाएं 2023!

3. जब आप सांस लेते हैं, तो आप ईश्वर से शक्ति प्राप्त करते हैं. जब आप साँस छोड़ते हैं, तो यह आपके द्वारा दुनिया को प्रदान की जाने वाली सेवा का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है.Happy International Yoga Day!

4. योग एक ऐसी यात्रा है जो व्यक्ति स्वयं से स्वयं तक और स्वयं के माध्यम से करता है. Happy International Yoga Day 2023!

5. जबकि बाहरी दुनिया कभी-कभी आपके नियंत्रण से बाहर होती है, अंदर की दुनिया हमेशा आपके नियंत्रण में होती है! अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस की शुभकामनाएं!

6. योग का अभ्यास आपके जीवन में शांति, सद्भाव और खुशहाली लाए. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस की शुभकामनाएं 2023!

7. योग आपके जीवन में आनंद और आंतरिक शांति लाने का एक तरीका है. आपको योग दिवस की बहुत बहुत बधाई.

Happy Yoga Day Slokas in Sanskrit  | Yoga Sloka in Sanskrit

1. योगश्चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः। 

English Translation- Yoga is restraining the mind-stuff from taking various forms.

2. अथः चित्तं समाधातुं न शक्नोषि मयि स्थिरम्। अभ्यासयोगेन ततो मामिच्छाप्तुं धनञ्जय।।

English Translation- English My dear Arjun, O winner of wealth, if you can not fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way develop a desire to attain me.

3. समत्वं योग उच्यते 

English Translation- Evenness of Mind is known as Yoga

4. योगस्थः कुरु कर्माणि सङ्गं त्यक्त्वा धनञ्जय। सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्योः समो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते।।

English Translation- Be steadfast in the performance of your duty, O Arjun, abandoning attachment to success and failure. Such equanimity is called Yoga.

5. योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्। 

English Translation- Yoga is excellence in action.

International Yoga Day Posters 2023 | Yoga Day Wishes Images


Happy International Yoga Day 2023: Wishes, Images, Greetings, Quotes, Messages and WhatsApp Greetings to Share with Your Loved Ones
Happy International Yoga Day 2023: Wishes, Images, Greetings, Quotes, Messages and WhatsApp Greetings to Share with Your Loved Ones | Freepik


Happy International Yoga Day 2023: Best Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages WhatsApp Status and Yoga Day Posters Greetings To Share With Loved Ones
Happy International Yoga Day 2023: Best Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages WhatsApp Status and Yoga Day Posters Greetings To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik


Happy International Yoga Day 2023: Best Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages WhatsApp Status and Yoga Day Posters Greetings To Share With Loved Ones
Happy International Yoga Day 2023: Best Wishes, Quotes, Images, Messages WhatsApp Status and Yoga Day Posters Greetings To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik


50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik


50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik


50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones
50+ Top International Yaga Day Wishes, Quotes, Messages, Whatsapp Status And Yoga Day Posters To Share With Loved Ones | Freepik

International Yoga Day 2023: History And Significance

Yoga is believed to have originated in India thousands of years ago and also finds mention in ancient mythological books like the Rig Veda. On 27 September 2014, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during his speech at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, proposed the idea of practicing ‘Yoga Day’.

In his speech, Modi termed Yoga as an ‘invaluable gift of India’s ancient tradition’ and highlighted the importance of yoga for maintaining ‘harmony between man and nature’. The draft resolution passed by India was backed by 177 nations and the first International Yoga Day was celebrated on June 21, 2015. 

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