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New York
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chuck de, male chauvinism Sania!

So, finally, the last actor in the Indian tennis tamasha has put her best foot forward, sorry, deep  in the mud. Sania Mirza on June 27 lashed out at AITA, Leander Paes & Mahesh Bhupathi for using her ‘as a bait to try and pacify one of the disgruntled stalwarts of Indian tennis’. A reaction too late?What is baffling is that she chose to ‘clarify her feelings’ (& gain spotlight) only after she got a wild card entry into the women’s doubles event of the London Olympics; also making her eligible to compete in the mixed doubles. What was she waiting for so far – A wild card that gives her the right to get wild & lose her senses? By lashing at almost everyone – from players & association to even Paes’ father – she has shown that even women in sports prefer politics over medals. Disgruntled stalwart? The tennis pro very unprofessionally abused herself in public on Wednesday. She claimed that she was ‘used’ to pacify one of the disgruntled stalwarts (read Leander Paes). Guess she forgot that with the same ‘disgruntled stalwart’ she won her first mixed doubles gold medal for India in the 15th Asian Games held at Doha in 2006! Is she trying to say that she comprised even then? We would love to see more such comprises if that is ‘in the best interest of the country’!__POLL__26__Male chauvinism?

Another medal hopeful, Jwala Gutta, joined the mudslinging bandwagon by backing Sania’s claim that male chauvinism is part of Indian sports. Why is it that no other female athlete ever claimed the same? Forget that, even if there are subdued voices in some corner of the country, why is it that both the girls are spitting venom left, right & centre against their own country just ahead of Olympics? Ultimately the world will not laugh at AITA, the world will laugh at us, the country.


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