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Saturday, July 27, 2024

'Retirement will come when it has to'

Sachin Tendulkar is not an easy man to get, simply because he guards his privacy almost to a fault. Also, he does not like to talk about an impending series or season for that would mean setting a goal and then dealing with the added pressures of coming good on the promise.

Sachin Tendulkar

But manage to sit him down and you get to hear some secrets, like how, while preparing at the NCA ahead of a Test series, he simulates match conditions by spending as much time in the academy as he would at the ground during a Test. Excerpts from an exclusive interview…You are coming off a long break, how has the off-season been and what have you been up to?All the while I was spending time with my family, taking my son for training and things like that, going on walks, watching movies. (He was abroad most of the time).Having played for so many years, is it becoming increasingly difficult to leave the family and play for India?As I said, off-season it is obviously time for the family to take precedence but I also know that it is important to prepare myself properly before a series. When it comes to it, over the years, I have learnt to balance things. Switching on and switching off is important, something I focus on. I have figured out that the balance is very important.What kind of training do you do to keep fit during the off-season?I normally do more of sprint work than long distance. I find that works with me much better. For my body that is the ideal workout but also you have to do a little bit of gym work. I go by my feel, whatever my body tells me. Your body keeps giving you messages, there are signals, you pick what the requirement is and I go by that.Someone like Dhoni says he doesn’t touch the keeping gloves between series, do you think similarly, not pick up the bat at all for a while?When I can afford to switch off then I don’t (touch the bat) but that is when there is a longer period. It depends on how much time we have. If there are 10 days between two series and I feel I am moving well, then I will take if easy for four or five days. Generally six to seven days a series, I start my preparation. Of course at the beginning of a new season, I need more time to prepare myself.Are you taking things series by series or season by season?Series by series – always looked at it that away. Every series you play, opposition strengths are different and areas to work on are different. So, it is always advisable to take it series by series. Once the season is over, then we can look it as a whole, what made me successful and what were the areas I can get better.What about retirement?I don’t think like that. It will come when it has to come.What about playing any one format?I have not thought about it at this stage. The next ODI for India is a long time way, in December, so I am open minded as I always have been and look to enjoy my game right now.How does the NCA help someone like you? Is it fair that it is at times termed a rehab centre?It is not just about rehab, it’s about training. The facilities are good and I have enjoyed practising here. Even the last time I enjoyed it there, it helps you getting into that zone, the mood you have to be in. Coming here is the first step I would say to the start of a series or joining the team or whatever. And I feel the facilities have become better and better over the years. It is functioning brilliantly and all the players like spending time here. When it becomes a joy to be here, you know the BCCI has done a fantastic job.You spend a lot of time indoors. What exactly is it that you do?A bit of physiotherapy, stretching, warming up and weight training. Then you break for a while before getting into the nets, followed by some more rest before I head for fielding practice. The idea is to spend exactly the same number of hours I would do during a Test match. During a Test I would wake up at seven, I am trying to do the same thing. Follow that routine and make sure that the energy levels are there. I am just getting my body used to the timing more than anything else.A word about the coach, Duncan Fletcher, it’s not been a great year for him as well. What does he bring to the table?Duncan has been really good. Sometimes it happens (bad results) to the best of sides. I feel he’s doing a fantastic job. It was a testing time for him and everyone when he came in. He dealt with it brilliantly, kept his calm and at the same time he kept trying to see how we could improve, what we could do better. He never lost his patience. It wasn’t an easy period for anyone, for coach, player or the team to deal with the kind of season we had. But Duncan controlled everything quite nicely.Congrats on becoming an MP. Does it feel any different?It’s an honour but I have not fought elections. Neither did I go chasing anyone to please make an MP. It’s an honour and I accept it with full respect. But now my focus is obviously cricket. Parliament was a new experience and I am learning all the while.My mind right now is on cricket to be honest. When the time comes I will start thinking in that direction but I should not forget the reason why all these things have happened in my life. All these things have happened because of cricket. It’s an honour and privilege to play for India for such a long time. I am happy with anything that happens around cricket and I am happy about it (being made a Rajya Sabha MP) but cricket is in the foreground for sure. It is paramount.

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